Embracing Autism - Winchester 2025
14th Nov

A training day for Parent/Carers & Professionals in Winchester

A day that focuses on learning skills and strategies for parents, carers and professionals who are supporting an autistic young person. Hampshire CAMHS colleagues will be hosting this day alongside parents/carers with lived experience in coproduction with Viv Dawes Autism Advocate.



Event Information


Tickets cost £20.

Tea and coffee will be provided but no lunches.

Please follow this link to book a ticket: Embracing Autism – Winchester 2025 – Book Ticket

Here is our event flyer.

Viv Dawes

Viv Dawes (she/they) is late-diagnosed autistic (PDA) and ADHD advocate, trainer and author. She has over 25 years experience of working with vulnerable people, who were mostly neurodivergent, including as a Senior Practitioner in the NHS, managing teams of forensic drug workers in prisons. She also started and ran a community based addiction recovery programme. Viv has written a number of books, including two books about autistic burnout.

Gayle Moir

Gayle is the SENDIASS Services Manager, having spent 15 years in various roles within the SEND and social care sectors, including 9 years with SENDIASS.

Gayle works with her team, stakeholders and customers to make sure that SENDIASS provides the information and advice that people need.

She still spends time taking calls on the helpline and 1-2 days each month meeting families face-to-face in workshops. It’s the favourite part of her job because every conversation is different. Listening to people keeps her in touch with what’s really happening for children and young people, and being able to offer advice is very rewarding.


9.00-9.30     Coffee & Networking

9.30-10.45   Session One: Supporting your Autistic Child to Thrive – Dr Catherine Robson

What areas of life can be challenging for autistic young people? We will think about how we adapt our communication and the environment around the young person to make life easier and more suited to their needs. We will discuss practical changes that can be made in all the areas and give examples of what these look like in real life.

10.45-11.15   Tea/Coffee Break and Networking

11.15-12.15   Support for SEN in Educationled by Gayle Moir SENDIASS Services Manager

What can you expect and what to do if it’s not working, followed by a Q&A session.

12.15- 13.00   Lunch Break & Networking/Stands

13.00-14.00    Autistic Burnout/Masking (Part 1) – led by Viv Dawes Advocate/Trainer/Author

Understanding autistic burnout, what it is, why it happens, why it’s different from depression, recovery, safe places and prevention.

14.00-14.20   Quick Tea Break

14.20-15.00   Autistic Burnout/Masking (Part 2) – led by Viv Dawes 

15.00- 15.30   Q&A Panel with Speakers

15.30              Finish


Stand Information

There will be the opportunity for a small number of stands which provide relevant information on organisations and charities that provide support for families in Hampshire.

To request to have an Information Stand at this event, please email HantsCAMHSInnovations@southernhealth.nhs.uk

Stalls will be assigned on a first come basis.

Event details

Date: 14th November 2025

Time: 9:30 – 15:30

Location: St Peters Church Conference Centre, Jewry Street, Winchester, SO23 8RY