Parents and Carers Campaign
1st Jan 2024

31st Dec 2024

Hampshire CAMHS in 2024 will be running a campaign, in collaboration with HPCN, that focuses on the needs of Parents and Carers.

Hampshire CAMHS in 2024 will be running a campaign, in collaboration with HPCN, that focuses on the needs of Parents and Carers. Parents and carers are fundamental in supporting young people who access Hampshire Child and Adolescent Mental Health service, and they require support in their own right to do so. It is the intention of the innovations and participation team to run a campaign across 2024, that considers and supports parents & carers in a variety of different projects and work streams.

It is pertinent to start this intended plan with relevant statistics that echo what an important issue this is, and that it needs the focus Hampshire CAMHS and HPCN intend to give it.

Facts and Figures According to Carers UK (These statistics include the whole NHS)

  • Carers save the economy £132 billion per year.
  • 1 in 8 adults (6.5 million people) are carers
  • Every day 6,000 people take on a caring responsibility. That’s 2 million a year.
  • 58% of carers are women and 42% are men.
  • Over 1 million care for more than 1 person.
  • 5 million people in the UK combine caring with work, which equates to 1 in 7 of the workforces.
  • Due to caring demands 600 people give up work each day to care for a relative
  • 72% of carers that responded to a Carers UK survey stated that caring for others had impacted their mental health, 61% their physical health.
  • 8 in 10 people caring said they felt lonely or socially isolated.

Aims of Campaign

  1. To bring to attention the needs of parents and carers who are accessing Hampshire CAMHS.
  2. To understand better the needs and support parents & Carers in a manner that best supports the young person.
  3. Provide the support and learning that Parents & Carers need in their own right.
  4. Enhance the understanding of the needs of parents & Carers with colleagues in Hampshire CAMHS.
  5. Provide learning opportunities and informal support from those with lived experience of supporting a young person with mental and emotional difficulties.
  6. Encourage parents and carers to participate to enhance the service delivered by Hampshire CAMHS.

Parent Section on Hampshire CAMHS Website

In collaboration with Parents and carers and HPCN the plan is to create a parent/carers section within the help pages of the Hampshire CAMHS website, that focuses on projects, participation, workshops and events etc. This section will be dedicated to all things related to our offer support and encouraging involvement from parents and carers.

Parent & Carer Pathways

To review alongside HPCN and parents/carers each element within the pathway into, through and out of Hampshire CAMHS, and seek to enhance, improve the experience of all families. This would include letters, resources, group programme, initial assessment, transition out of the service etc. It would be integral to this plan and approach that clinical leads are involved and support this process.

If you would like to get involved, please email