5th Jul

Hampshire CAMHS are marking the 75th Anniversary of the NHS by inviting anyone working in the NHS over the 24 hours on 5th July (midnight 4 July – midnight 5 July) to take a photograph in their workplace.

The picture can reflect any aspect of your working day.


Submissions should be sent without explanation or descriptors to titled ‘Photo24’. They should not include any images of patients or contain confidential material.

Photos will be selected and used to create a giant mural that reflects the 75th anniversary and placed on the entrance to one of the Hampshire CAMHS clinics.

By sending the photo to us you are agreeing to the following:

  • It will be used as part of a mural or artwork which will be displayed for a significant amount of time in a public place
  • It might be used individually
  • It might be used on social media
  • It might be used in the press and media to help promote the artwork

If you have any concerns or questions about this process please email: