P.A.C.E. (Parent, Carer and Professionals Events)
A free event to help families better understand the needs and difficulties that young people can face and how to manage potential issues/concerns they have about their young person.
P.A.C.E. (Parent, Carer and Professionals Events) engage families in understanding the needs and difficulties that young people can face. The events help parents and carers to gain more confidence and knowledge about how to manage potential issues or concerns they may have about their young person.
Workshops are run by experts in their field, such as youth organisations, Hampshire CAMHS and Autism Hampshire.
There are information stands available, which provide relevant information on the numerous organisations and charities that provide support for families in Hampshire.
Please view timetable here: Timetable
To request to have an Information Stand at this event, please email spnt.hantscamhsinnovation@nhs.net.
Scroll down to ‘Schedule’ to reserve individual Workshops.
The events include a variety of 60-minute workshops which focus on relevant issues, such as:
Please be aware that these events are provided completely free by the NHS, and therefore providing refreshments to all attendees is not possible. The venues for PACE events change, and we rely on sourcing large spaces to allow as many people as possible to attend, therefore we are unable to always provide parking, or be close to accessing local cafes. You are encouraged prior to attending to consider what refreshments you will need, and where you may be able to park. We would encourage you to take into account additional time you may need for parking, etc, in order to arrive at your sessions on time.
To provide information in a way that is helpful, engaging and non-threatening;
To present information that will de-stigmatise mental illness and other related issues;
To raise awareness of potential issues and where to seek help, advice and support.
Date: Friday, 26th January 2024
Location: St Vincent College Mill Lane, Gosport, PO12 4QA
This workshop solely focuses on eating disorders as a mental health disorder for young people . This will cover Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder – a feeding and eating disorder. People with ARFID find it hard to eat enough for healthy growth, development and functioning.
What is ADHD? Spotting the signs and symptoms from 5 years to 18 years.
How to support a young person with symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity with or without an ADHD diagnosis.
Exploring the terms coping and resilience – what are they and how might we build coping and resilience into our lives.
This workshop uses easy to understand metaphors that can be shared with children to help them to explore their own coping and resilience.
This workshop aims to give an introduction for parents and carers supporting a young person with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). It will provide information regarding what OCD is, how this develops and what keeps it going. It will give an overview of the treatment options for OCD and ways family members can support a young person at home.
An awareness session to offer a space for Q&A around learning needs and how mental health issues can present, including difficulty with language used when children and young people have varying learning needs with or without formal diagnosis.
Exploring the terms coping and resilience – what are they and how might we build coping and resilience into our lives.
This workshop uses easy to understand metaphors that can be shared with children to help them to explore their own coping and resilience.
Due to unforeseen circumstances this workshop had to be cancelled. It is open for bookings at other PACE events this year. Please refer to out timetable for 2024.
This workshop aims to give an introduction for parents and carers supporting a young person with tics & Tourette’s. It will provide information regarding what Tourette’s is, how this develops and what keeps it going. It will give an overview of the treatment options and ways family members can support a young person at home.
What is ADHD? Spotting the signs and symptoms from 5 years to 18 years.
How to support a young person with symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity with or without an ADHD diagnosis.
Understanding the impact of trauma on children and young people and how together we can help them to recover.
How to recognise crisis and how crisis develops. How emotional regulation difficulties can lead to mental health crises such as becoming suicidal or self-harming.
What is Autistic Spectrum Condition?
Spotting the signs and symptoms;
Diagnosis: the process and things to know about the diagnostic assessment;
How to support a young person with ASC.
This workshop will focus on the needs and challenges for parents and carers, as well as provide a range of practical advice and strategies around how to look after yourself in order to better support the wellbeing of your child.
What anxiety is and how to spot the signs and symptoms of anxiety in children and young people.
How to support a child and young person who experiences anxiety with practical strategies.
How to recognise crisis and how crisis develops.
How emotional regulation difficulties can lead to mental health crises such as becoming suicidal or self-harming.
This two-hour workshop will consider what areas of life can be challenging for autistic young people. We will think about how we can adapt our communication and the environment around the young person to make life easier and more suited to their needs. We will discuss practical changes that can be made in all the areas and give example of what these look like in real life.
We will support you to think about the specific needs of your child and develop the beginnings of an individualised plan, providing the opportunity for discussion with other group members and the facilitators.
To register your interest, please confirm which sessions you would like to attend and enter your contact information below.
Thank you for booking to attend a session. We look forward to seeing you there!
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You will not receive reminders for this event, so please ensure you have all the details