Hampshire Parent Carer Network (HPCN) in partnership with Hampshire CAMHS are delivering monthly meetings across the County.
Future in Mind (FIM) is committed to listening to parent carers across Hampshire and bringing the topics you have asked for. Please click on the link below to find information on workshops and peer support sessions available for the rest of the year bookable via:
This is a great opportunity to meet other parents & carers and hear about their lived experience, of supporting a child or young person with mental health and/or emotional difficulties. At meetings, clinical experts deliver talks on a variety of topics.
FIM information:
Parent Carer Feedback on FIM Event
Futures in Mind Information Postcard
HPCN Offers Support to Parents and Carers
Ask About Autism has now completely merged with Future in Mind and will continue under this banner to support parent carers in promoting the positive well-being and mental health of ALL young people 0-25 years.
What’s New? Ask About Autism is Merging with FIM
For further information on any of the above meetings, please contact: participation@hpcn.org.uk
To register your interest, please confirm which sessions you would like to attend and enter your contact information below.
Thank you for booking to attend a session. We look forward to seeing you there!
A confirmation of your booking has been sent to the email address you have provided. On occasions these emails can get lost in SPAM filters. Please check your Junk mail folder if your confirmaiton does not arrive in your mailbox.
You will not receive reminders for this event, so please ensure you have all the details